Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Read all about it…
Maggid David’s Herschel of Ostropol Stories win National award. The Life and Times of Herschel of Ostropol: The Greatest Prankster Who Ever Lived earned a national award from the Parents’ Choice Foundation for it’s “engaging, down to earth and entertaining appeal.”

Parents’ Choice Award Winner: The Life and Times of Herschel of Ostropol: The Greatest Prankster Who Ever LIved
The Parents’ Choice Foundation is the oldest consumer guide to children’s media and serves as a trusted and independent source for educators and librarians, journalists, as well as families searching for quality children’s media and toys.
Welcome Friend,
You have journeyed to the home of David Arfa, Maggid (Mah-geed; Storyteller). I am dedicated to celebrating Judaism’s storytelling heritage and renewing Judaism’s ancient environmental wisdom. I have over 20 years experience teaching, performing stories and leading workshops. Check out my Storytelling section for many performances and workshops.
In addition, I believe the times call for us all to dig deeper and find ways to live with less quantity and more quality; less stuff and more community. Check out the Environmental Education section for a wealth of ideas for connecting with the natural world and viewing sustainability through a Jewish lens. You will find our tradition of ancient conversations is filled with supportive, meaningful, and deep wisdom.
What is common to all of my programs; whether performing or leading workshops, hikes, teacher trainings, or Shabbat retreats, is that I love sharing story images and traditional texts that demonstrate the contemporary relevance of Jewish mythology and mysticism. My hope is to help enrich our spiritual imagination, connect with the land, and most importantly, find our own paths within Judaism’s vast and wondrous landscape.
Enjoy your visit! Whether coming to see if I’m a good fit for your program, to purchase my award winning CD, The Life and Times of Herschel of Ostropol: The Greatest Prankster Who Ever Lived, my first CD The Birth of Love: Tales for the Days of Awe, to find out more about the Try Stories for a Change workshops, or just to check out my blog and browse the aisles, I hope you find something meaningful. I look forward to working with you and meeting you in person..
B’Shalom- In Peace,